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NY OKs law forcing landlords to reveal if their buildings have bedbugs

When bedbugs bite, tenants will know about it under a bill passed by the City Council Tuesday.

The legislation, which passed by a vote of 44-5, will require landlords to disclose bedbug infestations in their buildings, through postings in the building or notices given to tenants with their leases.

They’ll also have to report discovering the bugs to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, which will publish the information on its website.

“I have heard from many constituents about the enormous disruption caused by these little unwelcome visitors. The best weapon we have against bedbugs is knowledge,” said Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Queens), the sponsor.

Landlords are already required to inform prospective tenants of the building’s history of bedbugs, but don’t have to say anything to current residents.

“I want to assure landlords that there is no need to bug out,” Dromm said. “Bedbugs after all do not distinguish between new and lifelong residents — they’re just out looking for some blood.”

But a landlord group slammed the measure.

“This bill will needlessly alarm tenants that would otherwise not have to be concerned or be worried about an infestation in their building. This bill is just more regulation overkill,” said Rent Stabilization Association president Joe Strasburg.

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